health journey

resigning to the heat

I don’t really do well when it comes to hot weather. Seriously. I melt. This past week it’s been in the upper 80s and this coming week it will be in the upper 90s. I wilt. My plants wilt. I need some ideas to beat the summer heat – for myself and for my plants.

For myself I try to drink as much as possible… and not just water. I am trying to increase my consumption of electrolytes. I try to end my day in my little exercise pool. I often stray myself with the hose in the early part of the day when I am watering my plants in buckets. I also eat lots of salad. It helps that my garden is producing lots of greens. Eating light seems to help me. And when it is far too hot, I resign to the heat and go inside.

As for my plants… I know I need to give them more water. I think the trick will be to give the plants in buckets water twice a day when its this hot. I will need to be consistent with when I give them water. If we were able to get the drip system working for all of the buckets, it would be easier. However, we were not able to get a drip system on the tomatoes, zucchinis, the “tea garden,” and the deck garden. I walk along with a hose for those plants. It means I need to make a regular schedule for myself to water those plants.

I think I will also need to provide those plants with shade with prolonger temperature about 90. This seems weird since nearly every packet of seeds says I need to plant them in full sun. However, many of my plants are wilting in the heat. So… Here comes the shade.

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