Scripture Sunday

Resigning from Doubt to Walk in the River of His Love

This past Sunday, the women's group at church will be studying a talk entitled "Sir, We Would Like to See Jesus" by Elder Robert M. Daines, given in the October, 2023 General Conference. I serve in the children's ministry, so I will not be able to participate in the discussion. However, I have learned much… Continue reading Resigning from Doubt to Walk in the River of His Love

bethelight, Scripture Sunday

Foolish or Wise – Resigning to Become a Light Trimmer

Yesterday I studied the General Conference talk entitled "Abide the Day in Christ" by Sister Amy A. Wright. I remember loving this talk during the October Saturday morning Conference session. I remember feeling fed, uplifted and inspired. Reading it and pondering it enriched my life yesterday. She begins her talk with the Savior's words and… Continue reading Foolish or Wise – Resigning to Become a Light Trimmer