#gratitude, bethelight, gratitude

Developing an Attitude of Gratitude – Day 504 and Day 505

To be honest… days are blending together. I totally missed that I didn’t blog yesterday. With no schedules to keep it is really hard to even remember what day it is. Although I get dressed every day, I am struggling to remember what day it is with no where to go and no real plan and nothing to look forward to. For example, yesterday was my husband’s birthday. Normally we would at least celebrate with a date. He even forgot it was his birthday until our teenager casually walked by and wished him happy birthday. We did have McKay and her kids arrive in the driveway with a sign and a happy birthday song. Lilli did got off to the grocery store for sushi with him. Other than that it was a normal work all day in the office day for him. Just an other day. Lilli’s birthday is this week. She is super sad about it because there will be no celebrating with friends… and old parents are no fun, that is pretty clear. Every attempt I make to be fun and thoughtful is shot down. sigh. Still… there is much to be grateful for:

We are relatively healthy. We live in a comfortable home. We have plenty to eat and clothing to wear. We were blessed to hear the most wonderful General Conference. Every message seemed to be just what I needed to hear. The Spirit was strong as we listened as a family and witnessed LIVING church in action. God is good!

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