
An Attitude of Gratitude Experiment 2.0 – Day 3

Today I am thankful for a chill day. I didn’t really accomplish much… brushed the dog and got so many hair balls off the poor guy, made dinner, crocheted, watched a couple movies with my daughter who is visiting. Truthfully, I needed a day of nothing. I’ve got a pretty solid headache and I am very tired. In my normal life, I don’t really have much time to just relax and take time for me. It’s good to have a little time that can be spent on resting.

I am also grateful for musicals… and that a few of my kids enjoy a good musical. What an awesome creation and expression of a story… and sometimes a timeless message. I may not be good at performing in musicals, but I can imagine them like nobodies business. The pictures in my head get to be reality once in a while. I am thankful for the opportunities to share these pictures with some of my kids too. Some of my favorite shows I have ever worked on have been with my kids. I don’t really feel like a successful writer nor like I am able to express myself well, accept for through my art. I am thankful I have that outlet.

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