Forward Steps, health journey

Resigning to Waiting on the Lord’s Timing… Lessons in Healing

“Kicking against the pricks” has taken on a new meaning for me.  A quick snap and we are broken, yet it can take weeks, months and years to heal.  A harsh word spoken in haste can do damage that takes years to overcome, to restore trust, and to return to full fellowship. We are called… Continue reading Resigning to Waiting on the Lord’s Timing… Lessons in Healing

Forward Steps, health journey, Uncategorized

Running out of Steam

This heating is sucking the life out of me... or maybe it's the fact that I worked harder than usual at getting my exercise game on... or maybe it's the fact that I still have not worked out my sleep patterns. I am a champion at getting "light sleep." It is Deep sleep and REM… Continue reading Running out of Steam

Forward Steps, health journey

Resigning From Stress

At the first of April I actually resigned from something! The title of my blog has been resigningasthegeneralmanageroftheuniversity for years and yet I never resigned from anything. If anything, I took on more things! But this year was the year. I resigned. It's a long story, and not appropriate for this blog, however, I can… Continue reading Resigning From Stress

health journey

Not the summer I expected…

This has been an odd summer. I planned on leisurely floating my pool most days and completing a couple projects. Instead, I worked 12 hour days on a little summer show for the first week out of school. Then there was the 4th of July parade, followed by some time with a grand daughter. At… Continue reading Not the summer I expected…