Menu Monday

Holding on During the Holidays

Before I started my newest lifestyle change I was suffering from aching muscles and joints, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t move well, and over all, felt like crap.  I thought I was doing all the right things for my body.  I thought I was eating well.  I counted calories.  I counted carbs, proteins and fats.  Now… Now I realize I was eating myself to death.

Truth be known… I was addicted to food… “healthy” foods. However, these “healthy” foods were not really healthy.

I had been gluten free, sugar free, and dairy free for years, yet my weight crept up and I felt awful all the time.  The “free” part wasn’t my issue.  My problems were complicated by my efforts to “substitute” sugar, gluten, and dairy with “fake” products that were chemically harming me.

The first few weeks of eating the End of Dieting way I had a seriously yucky headache.  My tummy hurt.  I was tired all the time.  I learned through my reading that I was suffering from Toxic Hunger.  My cells were congested with waste products and free radicals.  Oxidative stress.  I mostly noticed my symptoms between meals.  Basically, I was suffering from withdrawal from toxic foods.  I kept trying.  I pushed through.  I believed that my headaches and weakness were a sign that my body was trying to heal because I was finally giving it the nutrition it craved.

The holidays have been a little harder…

I’ve had to work at getting the veggies I need.  Most of my problem is time.  I work crazy hours and if I am not prepared with a fridge stocked with prepared foods I am in trouble!

Monday I wasn’t prepared… mostly emotionally, I guess.  There was tofu pudding in the fridge, so I ate it instead of eating the veggies I had planned on eating. (Click here for the recipe).  I ate Pumpkin Chili for lunch.  (Click here for the recipe).  For dinner I made Spinach and Sun-dried Tomatoes and Tortellini and roasted broccoli for dinner.  (click here for the recipe).

Tuesday I sauteed onions, mushrooms and spinach for breakfast.  I had a bowl of cabbage soup for lunch.  (Click here for the recipe).  We had guests for dinner.  I made Sweet potatoes and Black Bean Taco mix and Tofu for dinner. (Click here and here for these recipes).  Although I made a traditional taco meat as well, the guest that tried the veggie taco mixes seemed to enjoy them.

Wednesday I was tired.  I opened the fridge and pulled out left over Spinach and Sun-dried Tomatoes and Tortellini for breakfast.  I was lazy for lunch.  I don’t know what I ate. I didn’t snap a picture.  oops…  For dinner I made a lentil soup and naan. It wasn’t my favorite lentil soup, so I won’t be posting a recipe.  The naan fell flat as well. Rats!

Thursday I had too leave the house early for an appointment.  I got up late.  The only thing I could find to eat on the road was a nut bar.  Not the best choice and not the worst.  I had the last of the tortellini leftovers for lunch.  I used the last of the sweet potato taco mix and made a wrap for dinner.

Friday was a fairly chill day.  I sauteed spinach and mushrooms for breakfast.  I had a simple salad for lunch. For dinner I had gnocci in a red sauce. (Click here for the recipe).

Saturday was a busy day.  It was a big day for the family.  My #4 daughter was going to the temple for the first time.  We needed to get all of the shopping done for food and last minute Christmas presents since we did not plan on going to the store on Sunday.  We made an egg and veggie scramble for breakfast.  My daughter and I were on the road and instead of “going out” for lunch, we stopped at a health food store and got a healthy salad with nuts, greens, seeds, and other veggies.  After the temple we took the family to dinner at restaurant.  I had a great salad and a small bowl of veggie soup.

Sunday morning was a bit rough.  We all had to be at church so early.  I ate a hand full of nuts and seeds on my way out the door.  When we came home we made personal pizzas.  I made a pizza with hummus and veggies.  My family tradition for Christmas eve is oyster stew.  I’ve never been a fan.  I started my kids with a new tradition of a variety of soups to celebrate on Christmas eve.  This year I made the family favorite, Christmas Chili, with steak and all the other regular chili ingredients.  I made Pumpkin soup for myself. (Click here for the recipe).

So there you have it.  I really should have had more salads for meals.  I will move to that next week when I am no longer worrying about what to feed guests.  But I will need to prep well… once this Christmas break is done I am off and running again with school and work activities.

4 thoughts on “Holding on During the Holidays”

  1. Wow, well done with everything going on! I’m impressed how many meals you prepare – it’s faster for me to throw together a salad, but I find the fuller meals mix up the taste more so I don’t get bored. I’m also surprised you don’t eat many fruits – those have made it a lot easier to give up treats, but I guess you were already used to low sugar. I wonder about the pizza with hummus – do you mean hummus on the side? Because hummus instead of cheese on the pizza sounds interesting and I’d like to try it if that’s a thing!


    1. Fruits are very expensive right now. I usually work them into a smoothie. However, as it has been colder, I’ve been craving cooked foods. As for the pizza, the hummus is on the pizza. I think it works out great!


      1. Very cool, I’m going to try hummus on pizza! I’ve just been using nutritional yeast instead of cheese. I definitely hear you about the comfort of cooked food – I heat up a banana in my oatmeal in the morning 🙂


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